Thanks to the whirlwind of developments concerning energy, modern techniques for electric fireplaces have risen to unprecedented heights. Our logs are pivotal in taking the lifelike holograms and projections of the fireplace to the next level.
Lifelike at the highest level We developed e-Mix logs specially for electric fireplaces. These logs are ultra realistic, but do not have fireproof properties. They play a crucial role in the ultimate fireplace experience and bring the appearance of the electric fireplace to unprecedented heights.
Knowledgeable, dedicated and passionate
Every log we make passes through the skilled, passionate hands of our staff. Each detail is scrutinized and meticulously inspected. This is what makes our logs so unique and of the highest quality.
Every product we make passes through the skilled, passionate hands of our staff. Each detail is scrutinized and meticulously inspected. This is what makes our fireplace solutions so unique and of the highest quality.